PM With Bahamian Chef At The Hyatt In Washington D C
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order times;”>WASHINGTON, prescription D.C. — During Prime Minister Perry Christie’s visit to Washington, D.C., for the inaugural Caribbean Energy Security Summit hosted by United States Vice President Joseph Biden on Monday, January 26, 2015, Mrs. Paulette Zonicle, Bahamas Consul General to Washington, D.C., hosted a dinner for the Prime Minister and his delegation that included Minister of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Fred Mitchell, Minister of the Environment and Housing Kenred Dorsett, Under Secretary in the Office of the Prime Minister Philip Turner, and Foreign Affairs Officer with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Charles Walkine. The dinner was held on Monday night at the Hyatt in Bethesda, Maryland, where the Executive Chief is Mr. Jack Stubbs, a position he has held for the past 20 years. Mr. Stubbs, a native of The Bahamas, is originally from Dumfries, Cat Island, and has written several best-selling cookbooks. Pictured from left at the dinner are Minister Mitchell, Mr
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