PM Tables Constitutional Bills
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The bills to amend the constitution have been tabled in Parliament and the first reading of those bill took place on Wednesday 23rd July. They will seek to amend the constitution to provide gender equality in a number of ways: passing on the citizenship of women married to foreign men whose children are born abroad to those children; allowing the males spouses of Bahamian women to have a constitutional right to apply for citizenship; listing sex among the prohibited characteristics for which there can be no discrimination; allowing men to pass on their citizenship to their children born out of wedlock. The Prime Minister made the point that same sex marriage will not be facilitated by any of these bills, cialis prostate and such marriage remain void. The Leader of the Opposition Hubert Minnis spoke in the House supporting the measures. Ruby Nottage, physician the retired Justice, will lead the public education campaign on the matter. The vote is to be put to the country on 6th November. You may click here for the Prime Minister’s full statement.