Statement From The Chairman Of The PLP
Opposition Spokesman For Labour
On The Hotel Union Strike Vote
For Immediate Release
29 May 2019
It should not have come to this point where the Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union feel that they need to take a strike vote in order to get a just result in their contract negotiations.
Our understanding is that the Government is not taking this matter seriously and is not moving aggressively enough to get the parties to the table and have this matter settled.
It appears to us, given the history of the contract and the background of the lack of a livable wage in many sectors in The Bahamas, that the fifteen per cent gratuity is a sine qua non in the contract talks.
The Union also complains that there are a number of issues which signal a lack of respect for workers that the Government needs to take seriously.
We call on the Minister of Labour to do more than talk but seek to settle. We call on employers to understand the plight of workers.
We believe that nothing should be done by either party to damage the greater interests of The Bahamas.