Issued By: Raynard Rigby, National Chairman
Date: Wednesday, the 12th January, 2005


The fact that the complainant has voluntarily decided to drop the complaint against Minister Bradley Roberts is strong evidence that he has been truthful with the public during this entire matter. It is refreshing news that the Minister has been fully exonerated and that he can continue to focus on representing the interests of the people of Bain and Grants Town.

The suggestion that was made by the Chairman of the FNM at a press conference held by that party last Friday that the PLP Government was engaged in acts of indirect political interference on the Office of the Attorney General was absolute rubbish. The evidence has proven otherwise.

The very fact that the Director and the Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions interviewed the complainant to satisfy themselves that she willingly decided to drop the complaint is compelling evidence that this matter was not being handled as a special case but was receiving the same kind of attention of all other matters that come to the Office of the Attorney General. This Party believes that there must be one Law for all Bahamians.

The PLP finds it also necessary to draw to the public's attention that the Attorney General's handling of this matter was within the letter and spirit of the Constitution.

The PLP will continue to have full confidence in the Police in the execution of their duties, as they continue to prove that they serious about the protecting our streets and neighbourhoods.

It is welcomed news that Minister Roberts has been exonerated.