Tribune image of the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition on 22 February 2023
The Progressive Liberal Party voted against the Select Committee request of the Opposition Free National Movement in the House of Assembly on Monday 20 February 2023. The PLP’s Chairman issued the following statement:
Immediate Release
February 20th, 2023
Statement from the Progressive Liberal Party on voting against the FNM Select Committee on Immigration
The Progressive Liberal Party thanks the Prime Minister and the parliamentary caucus for remaining focused on their agenda and not allowing themselves to be distracted by Opposition histrionics.
The PLP believes that a Select Committee on Immigration would have been a waste of valuable resources and time when the Bahamian people are seeking action on immigration rather than more investigations.
Now is the time to implement The National Framework on Immigration, which has three key pillars: enforcement, border control, and international cooperation.
The PLP applauds the Prime Minister for taking strong action and for prioritizing the protection of our borders. The party will remain focused on our mandate and urges all Bahamians of goodwill to support our administration in this effort..