PLP Says FNM Is Sorry And Corrupt
From The Chairman of the Progressive Liberal Party
Responding To The FNM’s Angry Rant Against The PLP
For Immediate Release
16 October 2018
What a tired bunch of hacks the FNM are. Seventeen months into their term with social collapse all around them, with the economy in shambles, with the environment in a mess and under stress, with the hatred quotient rising toward them every day, the FNM chooses today to drag up old false stories about the PLP and its leaders.
What the country knows is that within the last 20 years only one person has been convicted of corruption and that is a former FNM board member of BEC now BPL. We also know that it was the FNM Cabinet who made the decision but the Board member was convicted. Mums the word from the FNM and their press handlers.
We also know that the Prime Minister sat in Cabinet and the Ministry of Health where he was the minister and paid rent to a company that he owned for premises the Ministry rented. Yet mums the word from the FNM and their press handlers.
We know that a fake signing of the Oban deal took place in the full glare of the cameras to fool the people of Grand Bahama that the FNM cares for them.
We know that 3,500 people have lost their jobs in the public service since the FNM came to office in a victimizing spree to get at PLPs. They fired many of their own people.
We all know how filthy and dirty the town is. They cannot collect the garbage on time .
When you talk about the FNM, corruption is their watch word and genesis. You just have to go back to the UBP from which they started and then to the people expelled for corruption from the PLP in 1977 and you will see they all ended up in the FNM.
The FNM is sick, sad, sorry, incompetent and corrupt.