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discount times;”>Dr. Hubert Minnis has no credibility, his words cannot be trusted and his latest stage act of flip flopping on National Health Insurance (NHI) is tangible proof of this.
Dr. Minnis’ batting average on important policy matters remains perfect as he managed to flip flop and land on the wrong side of history on VAT, Gaming and now NHI – arguably three of the most transformational and consequential public policy initiatives of the past decade.
Just in case Dr
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. Minnis has a short or selective memory, I wish to remind him that the FNM is on record as supporting both NHI and a levy to finance same; they said so during the 2007 general election campaign. Minnis sat around the FNM cabinet table and approved a levy to finance the prescription drug plan as the first phase of NHI implementation. He agreed with a phased approach to NHI right up to May 7th2012 only to now oppose NHI.
As much as he tries to convince Bahamians that he cares about their health and general wellbeing and will put them first, it is only a matter of time before he shows his true colours. The fact is Minnis does not care about Bahamians and will not put Bahamians first. He believes that in a free, modern, democratic Bahamas – if Bahamians are sick and cannot afford proper healthcare, they should and deserve to die. This is the consequence of Minnis’ new position; this is terrible leadership and not the Bahamian way. Dr. Minnis must learn how to be a Bahamian.
I again remind all and sundry that according to St. James, a double minded man is unstable in all of his ways. A word to the wise is sufficient.
The PLP in stark contrast believes that access to affordable and quality healthcare is a human right; it is not a privilege and a government has to duty to protect the health and welfare of its most precious resource – its people. We believe this obligation to be part of the sacred social contract with the Bahamian people and this PLP government under the leadership of the Rt. Hon. Perry G. Christie will honour that sacred obligation.
This government is focused on transforming The Bahamas and no amount of posturing, political bluster or public antics of distraction by the opposition will deter this government from fulfilling this sacred social obligation to our people.