During the course of the cut and thrust of debate in the House of Assembly there are often some tough and tense moments. It is hard to predict when those moments will come. There may be a moment of calm and then a flash point which is started by something said that simply sets the other person off. Michael Pintard has a particular habit as Leader of the Opposition of throwing shade at folk and then when you answer him back, he drops to nastiness. That was what happened in the House of Assembly on an innocuous debate about the midyear budget statement. He said something, the voice of Glenys Hanna Martin could be heard replying and then Mr. Pintard said something that was foul. That set off Mrs. Hanna Martin who ended up calling him a liar, which she withdrew as unparliamentary and from her seat calling him a low life. That was not withdrawn. For good measure she added that she would have nothing more to do with him in life.