There was a solemn service on Wednesday 6th August for the ground breaking of the monument to commemorate the four people who were killed in Fox Hill on 27th December last year on Freedom Park: Shanique Sands, viagra sildenafil Shaquille Demeritte, Claudzino Davis and Eric Morrison. The Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis was the guest of honour for the occasion. Fred Mitchell MP for Fox Hill gave a statement on behalf of the community.
You may click here for the full statement of Mr. Mitchell. The service was emotionally moving
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. The Reverend Hugh Roach gave the homily. The leaders of Fox Hill attended Rev George Bodie representing Rev J Carl Rahming, treat Rev Warren Anderson, Rev. Philip Rahming, the Original Congoes, the 12th Bahamas Boy Scouts from St. Anselm’s Church. The design of the monument (see below) was done by Edwin White of the Original Congoes. The photos are by Raymond Bethel of the Bahamas Information Services.