HE’S GONE: all of two weeks now, the world has been fixed on The Bahamas and a 30 year old alleged crook named Sam Bankman Fried. He was put in Fox Hill jail at the request of the United States Government. The US pundits trashed The Bahamas. The U S government said nothing as the normal legal process unfolded. They then got the extradition order they wanted voluntarily and away Sam went with our officials in tow to the airport and out of the country to New York. They ( the U S Courts) then promptly let him out to go live with his mom and pop with an ankle bracelet on. Then they said what good boys The Bahamas was for doing their bidding. Our photo of the week Sam Bankman Fried being escorted under guard to the plane taking him back to America on Wednesday 21st December 2022. Our photo of the week.