This is what appeared in the publication EU Observer by Andrew Rettman 26 September 2022: “For tax justice campaigners such as UK based group Oxfam: Anguilla, The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands “ clearly deserve” what they got.” The quote is tied to Chiara Putaturo said to be a lawyer for the anti-poverty, food campaigners Oxfam. It appears under the headline: EU ADDING BAHAMAS TO TAX HAVEN BLACK LIST
The Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell referenced the article when he spoke at the Organization of American States General Assembly in Lima, on Thursday 6 October 2022. He said that he was sick and tired of having to make the point but the developed countries don’t seem to get it. He argued that since Oxfam is wishing The Bahamas ill, then perhaps The Bahamas ought to use its resources to tell people do not give your money to Oxfam.
As a result of the cockamamie view of the developed countries that they are somehow being cheated out of taxes by these little countries in the Caribbean through tax competition, thousands of middle class people in our countries have lost a good income and have been driven into poverty. Oxfam is supporting that. We should not support Oxfam.
So we are officially calling for the Government of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas to lead such a boycott. We need to stop talking about how vex we are and do something.
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