Owen Arthur Resigns From The Barbados Labour Party
It was announced on Friday 25th July that Owen Arthur, viagra generic prostate the former Prime Minister of Barbados and former Leader of the Barbados Labour Party, viagra buy ambulance who led the country for 14 years has resigned from the party that he led. He says that he will continue to sit in the Parliament as an independent. Observers say that the hatred between himself and now Leader Mia Motley who he once appointed as his Deputy Prime Minister is palpable; that they barely speak to one another. The Opposition is badly split now into the Owen Camp and the Mia Motley camp. This damages their prospects for the next general election even as Ms. Motely led a massive rally against a new environmental tax in Barabdos last week. People find the administration of Freundel Stuart to be feckless and ineffective. The international lending agencies have said that Barbados’ foreign currency reserves is plummeting and there is possible problem with their currency values if the management of the economy continues to go downhill
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