Last week with the help of the Japanese government and that of the Dominican Republic, the last of the Bahamian diplomats in Port au Price returned to Nassau. They are all safe and sound. There is likely to be a continued intelligence level Bahamian presence in Haiti but without announcement, necessary for the safeguarding of Bahamian interests. Where is Haiti now in terms of its governance? The security situation deteriorates from day to day. It is not a safe place to be for diplomats and certainly not for ordinary citizens. Yet people remain there, and the airport in the northern city of Cap Haitian continues to operate to allow flights in and out. That is how the repatriation of those interdicted for irregular incursions into our territory is sent back home. The Haitian politicians are still wrangling over the Presential Electoral Council that they agreed to implement with the help of Caricom in their meetings in Jamaica. It is slow going. The Kenyans are still committed to sending the 1000 policemen. The Bahamas is still committed to supplying a contingent. We await the politicians to get their act together. Kudos to all the Caribbean leaders for their infinite patience in seeking day by day to get this done.