Michael Pintard, the Opposition Leader, should really concentrate on keeping his job and planning the one-day convention he says he will have in June. He should leave the public equivocation on the Grand Bahama Port Authority to the others. Public equivocation is a disgrace for a Leader of the Opposition who should be joining hands with the Government in cleaning up the mess which his predecessor as Leader of the Free National Movement left in place with regard to Freeport. Mr, Pintard agrees that things are not what they should be in Grand Bahama but he wants the Prime Minister to not do anything about it. Typical of FNM politics: on the one hand on the other hand. One of the silliest though was to say to the press of The Bahamas, reported by Our News that he wanted to know why Fred Mitchell was spending so much time on Freeport when that was not his portfolio. Mr. Mitchell snapped back on Thursday 11 April 2024 on Eyewitness News reminding Mr. Pintard that he (Fred Mitchell) has lived in Grand Bahama, and worked in Grand Bahama. He has been an advocate for Grand Bahama for over a generation, and he said he would never stop advocating for Grand Bahama. He added that the Chairman of the PLP speaks about anything and everything in which Bahamians are involved. What a silly comment to make for the Leader of the Opposition.