Operation Blood Sport: A Danger to Our Democracy

On Monday, February 11th Dr. Duane Sands, Minister of Health, while being interviewed by reporter Clint Watson, on the program Beyond the Headlines, said that “politics was a bloodsport”. The expression when taken into context meant destroying your political adversaries, cause irreparable damage to the character, and humiliation. A Minister while speaking in his official capacity speak for and on behalf of the government. I believe that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I, further, believe that he was sending the PLP a warning signal.
On Tuesday, the 12th of February, in the early morning hours” Operation Bloodsport” was underway when a police plane landed in Freeport from New Providence.
Once in police custody in Freeport, all media houses in New Providence were notified of her arrest and that formal charges would be brought later that afternoon. Also, while in Freeport she was denied access to her attorney (wrong). It would appear that there
At the appropriate time, just before the close of the business day, with all the media houses present the slow choreographed walk of shame, and humiliation, took place( wrong). In the courtroom late in the closing minutes off the afternoon, it was discovered that the paperwork was not in order and, therefore, the arraignment would have to be postponed until 12 noon, the following day. Then, the second walk of shame would take place (wrong).
This was the circus the FNM government needed to take the attention off Dr.Sands and Marvin Dames who was rebuked by a magistrate for misbehavior in the Frank Smith trial. These two ministers were also rebuked by noted Pastor and Academic, Rev. Dr. Keith Russell who publicly excoriated them for their part in Frank Smith’s trial.
The Constitution of the Commonwealth of The Bahamas provides that an accused is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Let me also declare that no one is above the law.
Bahamians in the main and PLP’s
On Wednesday past,
“Let all things be done in decency and in order” Apostle Paul.
Brian Seymour