Shanriese Rolle, the Operating Vice President of Western Airlines, was none too pleased that her company was attacked by the foot in mouth Minister of Tourism Dionisio D’Aguilar. Mr. D’Aguilar claimed in his inimitable way that the PLP Government signed a contract with Western Air to use their building in North Andros just before the last election. He claimed no paper work could be found and that the rate for the lease was too much. Ms. Rolle said that she did not appreciate being used as political football; what the Minister said was untrue and that the entire lease arrangement was fully on the level. Mr. D’Aguilar started off his career by attacking Ian Poitier, a consultant for the Ministry on the same basis, but when faced by the facts refused to step back and apologize even though he promised Mr. Poitier that he would do so. This is pattern of speaking before the brain gets in gear.