discount cialis nurse capsule times;”>The FNM thinks they are on to a good wicket. Poor Richard Lightbourn (without the e) , best viagra the FNM MP for Montague, who was not in the House on Wednesday 11th March when the Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis gave his statement about the fire which took place at the Bahamas Agricultural Marine Science Institute . So Dick Lightbourn came into the House in the afternoon to make an issue of it and ending up causing a huge row in the House with him no closer to his goal. He is a lost soul. He thought he was on to something but missed again. There may have been smoke but there is no fire here. You may click here for the full statement by the Deputy Prime Minister.
The statement to the House became necessary to clarify what happened why the dormitory building which was built at a substantial cost in the millions of dollars at the BAMSI project was uninsured. The FNM claimed that the Deputy Prime Minister had misled the House on the issue because he had earlier said that the insurance had lapsed. It turned out that there was no insurance in the first place because even though the contractor Audley Hanna presented an invoice for the insurance, he never bought the insurance. Someone in the Ministry of Works forgot to ensure that there was the actual insurance before the contract was issued. Ministers don’t issue contracts.
That has nothing to do with the Minister. The Minister approved the contract through the proper channels and according to the various procedures and laws and policies of the government. None of them were violated by the Minister. There was no fault on the Minister’s part. So what then is the problem exactly? As for the statement about misleading the House, the fact is the Deputy Prime Minister’s first statement was a qualified statement. He said what he said subject to his checking the files. When he did check, he disclosed the matter entirely as he knew it. Now they are saying he has to resign because he misled the House.
Resign for what and on what basis?
It seems to us that some action must be taken of a disciplinary nature against the officer in the Ministry who was responsible for this going awry. That is as far as it should go.
We think that the government need say nothing more on this issue. The building should be rebuilt and move one. Someone should whisper into the ear of the contractor a quiet word and advise him of the biblical injunction that there is a time to be silent
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. The facts that are pertinent in the public domain are these: there was no insurance; the contractor has admitted liability; the contractor has to make it good. That is that.
As for the Deputy Prime Minister, leave him the hell alone.
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