Obie Roberts Says Of The FNM: Friends Family And Lovers
Can anyone confirm if the following is true?
When Randolph Minnis expanded his gas station on Market St. James Thompson drew the Plans.
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. Minnis, viagra canada generic buy cialis Randolph Minnis and Attorney James Thompson share the same grandfather from the Big Yard Andros.
Attorney James Thompson is Senator Kwasi Thompson’s father. Kwasi Thompson and Heather Hunt was sworn in as Senators the same time. So how come Thompson is still in and Hunt is out? Heather Hunt vigorously supported Loretta Butler Tuner in the recent FNM leadership race. She was asked to resign her senate seat but Kwasi Thompson still occupies his seat in the Senate. The message that Dr. Minnis sends should be abundantly clear within the FNM family.
Friends, Lovers and Family