Obie Roberts Answers National Security Minister

Statement From Obie Roberts
PLP National Vice Chairman
Minister of National Security Marvin Dames misleads Parliament on the Quakoo Street Community Center
For Immediate Release
12th June 2019
I refer to comments made by Minister Marvin Dames on the Quakoo Street Community Center during his budget debate in the House of Assembly on Tuesday June 11, 2019
Regarding the occupancy and use of the community center, which held immense historical and social importance to the late PLP Chairman, Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister the Hon. Bradley B. Roberts, I state that NO ACTION, NO EVICTION, NO ADVERSE WORDS, NO ADVERSE INTENT has been taken in reference to above said property.
The demeaning remarks made by Minister Dames against relevant family members was unparliamentary and unseemly for a Cabinet Minister, which reflects cowardice as it is an abuse of parliamentary privilege.
If Mr. Dames is smarting from my recent scathing critique of his judicially condemned ministerial conduct and the poor and corrupt governance by the FNM, he can man up and speak to me face to face.
The facts are that negotiations are ongoing between the relevant persons of the said property and the appropriate government agencies regarding this building and its future use.
While the FNM government rolls out the red carpet and spares no expense in leasing private properties from whom they see fit, they expect decisions to be made on the Quakoo Street property in the absence of clearly defined leasing terms, conditions and general qualifying information that are either incomplete, insufficient or unavailable.
I call on Minister Dames to find some better way of making use of his waning fifteen minutes of political fame.