Nygard Vs. Bacon And Their Surrogates
The struggle between the two foreign combatants in Lyford Cay, cialis generic sickness billionaires both Peter Nygard and Louis Bacon continues from the sublime to the ridiculous. Hired by Louis Bacon is Fred Smith Q.C. No legal argument for which money can be found is too foolish to make seems to be the creed there. He is now engaged in trying to stop Peter Nygard from getting title to an accretion in Lyford Cay which the opponents of Mr. Nygard say was illegally obtained and occupied. They believe that Mr. Nygard is bad for The Bahamas and accuse the PLP of being soft on Mr. Nygard because he gave substantial sums of money to the Party. There is a fake organization called Save The Bays, no doubt bankrolled by his rich opponent. Then there is Rev. C
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. B. Moss who appeared in a staged photo on the accreted beach claiming the land in the name of The Bahamas. The accusation is that he too is being supported by financially in his Don Quixote like quest by Mr. Nygard’s rich opponent. Mr. Nygard is no slouch and he did not take it lying down. On Monday 14th July, some people showing up in Nygard T shirts, all black young men, from the bottom marched on to Bay Street to Rawson Square demanding justice for Mr. Nygard. His supporters are now threatening a similar march in Bain Town in front of C. B. Moss’s church. This is a dangerous thing that Mr. Nygard is able to mobilize grass roots people for his commercial cause; so is the government next on the list when he gets pissed off and cannot get the permissions that he needs. As a result of the court action by Fred Smith, the consultation period for the disposition of the land at Nygard Cay has been extended and there are some reports that there is an injunction in place preventing the government from making a decision. We have made no secret in this matter that we believe that there is a pox on both the house of Mr. Nygard and Mr. Bacon and the two of them should be excluded from The Bahamas on the grounds that their continued presence is not conducive to public order and contrary to the public interest. This whole thing is unseemly.