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. Butler Turner, our guardians of moral rectitutde? The press release of the Chair of the PLP appears below:
Watson well aware of foreign bribery charge involving BEC
Bradley B. Roberts
National Chairman, Progressive Liberal Party
The issue of a BEC board member accepting a $300,000 bribe in exchange for a contract is a matter of public record as I have addressed the matter of the problematic diesel generators in the halls of Parliament in May 2003 as the minister with responsibility for BEC.
Having said that, I was very surprised to read in one of the dailies today that former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson denied any knowledge of this very public event and struck at the very heart of governance which is public trust. There was commentary on this matter in Parliament and the serious nature of the allegations had to necessitate discussions at the Cabinet level. Frank Watson was both a Parliamentarian and a senior Cabinet Minister so his denials are extremely surprising to me. Further, the events detailed by court documents took place between 1999 and 2001 when the first Ingraham administration was in its second term.
At board members during 2001/2002 were Chairman J. Barrie Farrington, Philip Beneby, Loretta Butler-Turner, Sharon Brown, William McDonald, Brian Moree and Wendy Warren.
After the ruling on the 22nd December, the Department of Justice confirmed the conviction via a press release stating that “Alstom S.A. (Alstom), a French power and transportation company, pleaded guilty today (22nd Dec) and agreed to pay a $772,290,000 fine to resolve charges related to a widespread scheme involving tens of millions of dollars in bribes in countries around the world, including Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and The Bahamas.”
I am of the view that the government of The Bahamas should cause an investigation to be launched into the Alstom (former ADD) deal. The governments of The Bahamas and the US have in place information exchange agreements so the Attorney General can access the relevant facts and identities of the persons involved under the terms and conditions of this exchange agreement.
Of particular interest is the fact that the board selected South Korea’s Hanjung unanimously and the FNM Cabinet overturned this decision in favor of Alstom. It would be very interesting to know what additional and compelling information the Ingraham cabinet had in its possession that would have driven them to overturn a unanimous board decision. As the head of the cabinet between 1999 and 2001, I am very interested in what Mr. Hubert Ingraham knows about this contract debacle.