Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of The Bahamas. She has been our Queen for 50 years. She celebrated her Golden Jubilee and it was also supposed to be celebrated in other parts of the Commonwealth. What pray tell did we do in The Bahamas to celebrate our Queen’s anniversary? Our Members of Parliament, viagra sale health Senators and Ministers just a few weeks ago were busy swearing allegiance to “Her Majesty the Queen her heirs and successors in law”. No evidence of any official Jubilee in The Bahamas. No sentiments of republicanism here. This editor likes the monarchy and supports it as a useful institution to society, viagra buy click but why no celebration? The Royal Society of St
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. George (the real saint of the dragon slaying variety not Edward of the Port Authority) did light a bonfire on Paradise Island according to The Tribune on Monday 3rd June, find but is that really enough for The Bahamas to have done? Tribune photo by Felipe Major of little girl waving Union Jack at bonfire.