cialis buy no rx times;”>The Minister of National Security Bernard Nottage has warned the public against vigilantism in dealing with crime. He was speaking as thirty-two (32) police recruits graduated as full fledge officers on Thursday 30th October, diagnosis 2014.
The ceremony was held was at 4:00 pm at the Police Training College, New Providence and was attended by the Minister of National Security, the Hon
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. Dr. Bernard J. Nottage, Commissioner of Police Mr. Ellison Greenslade along with his Executive Management Team.
Also in attendance were senior and junior officers of the R.B.P.F., as well hundreds of family and friends.
During the graduation ceremony, the recruits dazzled the audience with a Rifle Display, Physical Exercise Display and Arrest & Tactics Display.
Also performing during the graduation was the world famous Royal Bahamas Police Force Band.
Keynote speaker for the event was the Minister of National Security, the Hon. Dr. Bernard Nottage who also presented the coveted Baton of Honor to the best recruit as well the Commandant’s Award which is awarded for academic excellence during the period.
Commissioner Greenslade during his remarks thanked the recruits for their decision to serve their country and encouraged them to make their best contributions daily.