Last week as went to upload, cialis pharm Myles Munroe, the anti-gay pastor issued a broadside against LBGT people in The Bahamas. He called them unnatural. If someone had made that statement about a disabled person, would they be able to get away with that?

Yet no one from the straight community, sickness no public figure spoke to denounce this patently offensive remark. The anonymous columnist Front Porch wrote a stirring denunciation of Mr. Munroe, saying that what he was saying was riddled with contradictions. That is too kind by half. Mr. Munroe is showing himself to be the perfect fool. It is a great pity. Meanwhile word is that the membership of Bahamas Faith Mission, the church which was built on his name and reputation, is having problems maintaining its membership. Members are leaving. Many do not like the controversy in which he is involving the church. The church has and had many gay members and they find the rhetoric patently offensive. Victor Rollins, head of the LGBT group SASH in The Bahamas, used to be a member. What shocked them all was the denunciation by Tennille Burrows, known as the singer Ta Da. She grew up in the church, the daughter of Gregory Burrows who still goes to the church. Mr. Munroe was shocked by her characterisations of him in a letter to the press and her openly saying that she was part of the LGBT community. Congratulations to Ms. Burrows
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. Congratulations also to Joey Gaskins for his bravery on the matter by his round denunciation of the words of Myles Munroe on the subject. When you visit the church, you see the signs of decay.