Myles Munroe Responsible For Atmosphere Of Hatred
(Myles Needs A Tarsus Moment)
On Saturday 30th August Pastor Myles Munroe said amongst other things the following in a stupid and ignorant denunciation of the Gay Pride Weekend in Freeport. How the heck he gets into that or how it concerns him is another matter. We thought he was too busy hugging up the polygamist President in South Africa to pay attention to the gays in The Bahamas, viagra sale order who are in a private setting , cialis generic not breaking any law and minding their own business. Mr
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. Munroe condemns them for their Gay Pride Weekend. The greatest thing of interest though in this press release was this: All the majority want[is] Honesty and the Freedom to express our concerns, health opinion and positions without being labeled ignorant, intolerant, unsophisticated, or homophobic. Who said it was the majority of people who were expressing and agreeing with his ignorant views. They are not the majority, they are a noisy ignorant majority. The problem that all of us have is how a supposedly intelligent man like him could be associated with such ignorant and stupid rabble. Myles Munroe needs to find Christ.