Myles Munroe Begs For Fuel Money For His Jet
Myles Munroe, cialis generic buy cialis the anti-gay pastor, generic viagra has lost some members up in Grand Bahama
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. His church is called Bahamas Faith Missions, hospital the initials are BFM. In Nassau many people say it means “ Bring Fucking Money”. It seems the people of Grand Bahama were having none of that. Mr. Munroe who is seeking to establish a chapter in Grand Bahama and in Freeport in particular after a couple of sermons did a special collection because he needed to get fuel to put in his jet. One member reporting to this site said that was the last straw for her. He needs to beg a down and out community like Grand Bahama for money to fuel up his jet. He could hike a ride on Bahamasair for Christ sake she said.