Myles Munroe A Jackass With A Capital J
Myles Munroe, viagra canada prescription a pastor, viagra sale who personally attacked Fred Mitchell over gay rights and spewed forth unbelievable hatred and bile for a preacher about gay people is at it again. He is clearly on some political tack this time. Remember he said that the leadership in the country needs to move on. He of course has been leader of his own church for God knows how long and has no succession plan that anyone can see but never mind that of course he is God’s anointed. Now he says in the Nassau Guardian Thursday 31st July that because Michel Martelly the President of Haiti says that Bahamians should invest in Haiti including the Bahamas government, thumb he thinks that Mr. Martelly is being irresponsible
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. There were a number of our own supporters who supported this misguided view. The fact is this is really curious for a man who goes around the world encouraging people to come invest in The Bahamas and spend their money in The Bahamas which money helps to grow this economy and keep Bahamians at home. But no because it’s Haitians even the man of God has prejudice spewing from his mouth. Oh Lord how long must we suffer this fool.