viagra canada sovaldi sale times;”>On 24th March, cialis canada the body of Philip Vasyli, a well-known, billionaire foot doctor, was removed from his home in Old Fort Bay. Foul play was suspected. His wife was reportedly taken into custody for questioning. The latest report from the press is that his daughter is also being questioned. There are many reports about him being abusive to the wife, about him being involved in drug taking. Nothing from the Bahamian police. The press went into the closed gated community and interviewed the police and surveyed the scene. The next door neighbour, the good Dr. Harold Munnings Jr., was concerned that the press had been allowed behind Old Fort Bay and its gates. The problem is Dr
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. Munnings’ concern for his privacy and that of his friends is trumped by the public interest in knowing that there is no cover up of the murder. For this purpose, gated community or not, the murder has to be treated just like it happened in Yellow Elder or Grants Town. The Bahamian public is already skeptical because it involved white people; that everyone will be allowed to walk. The Government itself ought to have been concerned that this did to end up being another Sir Harry Oakes murder where the Duke of Windsor, the then Governor of the colony in 1943 following the Oakes murder closed down the colony to stop the news from getting out and in the process botched the investigation. Were it not for the late Sir Etienne Dupuch who happened upon the murder because he was to meet Sir Harry that morning, the news could have been staged managed. So we are happy the press was there and that they got their story. Now we will see if anyone is to be charged and whether they being white will be remanded to jail like all the rest of the alleged criminals.