This is the picture of the two men that are wanted in connection with the murder of Jo Jo in plain daylight in Fox Hill at the roundabout. The two circled the parade grounds twice and then fired shots killing their prey. The police gave chase, lost them then they were able to get their man. This was one of three murders last week. In each case, videos of the murders taking place were circulated widely in The Bahamas across What’s App platforms. The public has become immune to the suffering of people being killed in plain sight. What do we do? We have a Minister of National Security Marvin Dames who should resign but stays on claiming that crime is down. We have a blind deaf and dumb Prime Minister in Hubert Minnis who says the fear of crime is down. The killing continues. In one of the most gruesome videos circulated last week we saw that of a young man Charles Rolle Jr in Freeport being beaten to death while someone video-taped the whole thing. Just unbelievable. No moral conscience.