viagra buy remedy times;”>The people of Fox Hill would be forgiven if they were to conclude that their neighbourhoods are not as safe as they used to be. It has been an orgy of violence since shots rang out on 27th December last year and four people were left dead on the Freedom Park, cialis generic for sale the old Fox Hill burial ground. Since that time with alarming regularity shots have been ringing out in the Fox Hill area and with all too frequent regularity dead bodies on the ground.
unhealthy times;”>In the last week there were two murders, all in front of people. One of them in broad daylight. On Saturday 25th October, the MP for the area Fred Mitchell had just left the Village Store to attend the funeral of another constituent ( this one had died of old age), when he got a text that shots had rung out just around the corner from where he had been a few minutes before. One man dead.
It turns out that the man was a relative of one of the four killed on 27th December last. So that family is in grief again. Tears and screams. The MP is called upon to negotiate with the police and the tenders of the dead. What said one resident is going to happen next?
The man was a refugee from Fox Hill who had really been living in Yellow Elder so the street says. He had just come back home for a few weeks, it appears, to escape the tensions of shootings and revenge in Yellow Elder, a low cost housing estate in the west of the island. As he was returning, walking along the road after taking food to a lady friend, a van pulls up, out jumps someone or two and shots are emptied into him and he dies on the ground. Cut down like a dog.
The killers were so hurried to make their escape that they left one of the shooters and he had to run to catch up with them. He dropped his phone on the ground as he ran. This gave the police the clue they needed to solve the crime it appears.
Within minutes the dead man, with his head bleeding in the bushes was flashed all over the world by What’s App and Facebook. The MP complained. The Facebook world told him shut the eff up.
Then sitting at his desk in Dubai, another text comes to the MP. This time it’s a report that sirens, flashing lights and shots could be heard in a proximate neighbourhood to Fox Hill. Its night time. Something is happening says the text. Within minutes, it is confirmed, one man dead and his picture too within minutes, bullet holes and bleeding is flashed across Facebook and What’s App.
The police tell other stories of the propensity for onlookers to take these pictures and flash them around the world. How people have stepped over bodies on the scene; how others have stolen money out of the hands of the dead. What have we become.
The second death was the fourth death in as many months in the Fox Hill area. Each time there is sorrow. Each time there is a speech
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. Each time there is the poker faced policeman. The politician tries to offer sympathy, theories and prescriptions but the killing has not stopped.
Now the government has summoned its National Security Council. The Minister of National Security ( see article on this site) says that new initiatives on crime are to be advanced. This is welcomed. But all of us who support this government have got to know that somehow, somewhere push has to come to shove.; to provide some level of comfort to the governed that we know what we are doing and that we have the energy to do something about it.
What else can you say at this point? The tail is wagging the dog it seems.
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