Murder And Crime Most Foul
cialis usa buy times;”>To say that at 96 for the year in a population of just about 300,000 people in New Providence is too much for murder is an understatement. The population is frightened out of its wits. What is the problem exactly? There are two problems. First the actual problem is that there are too many murders, too many guns and not enough spent on policing, enforcement and social intervention. The second is the political problem; that the country expected the PLP to do something about it and so far it appears that nothing has been done about it. But did it occur to us that maybe nothing can be done about it at all. Is over promising part of the problem? What can we do exactly? We can ask some tougher questions and make tougher comments about this? Should the police Commissioner have given the expectation that he and the police could solve the crime problem when clearly they cannot and it is not his to fix in the first place in the sense that he did not invent it. Are the police disciplined and tough enough for this lot that we are dealing with? Judge the response for the police promotions
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. All over Facebook, emotionally charged officers thanking God and displaying openly their emotions about these promotions that they got. It just seems a bit on the soft side for police officers. They are policemen for Christ’s sake and are supposed to be tough as shit. Not priests. Anyway we’re just sayin’