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tadalafil troche times;”>It was Andrew Burrows, viagra sales medicine the News Director at the Broadcasting Corporation of The Bahamas that alerted the wider public in a thoughtful post last week on Facebook that there was a problem brewing which might affect the reputation of a young Bahamian woman who was on fast track to fame and fortune in Bahamian terms. She goes by the name Angelique Sabrina but her proper name is Angelique White. She is a teenager and the face of Rev, search the trade name for Cable Bahamas and its specialty products like phone services and Cable TV. The company had just mounted a major campaign for Christmas using her image. It had been promoting her face as the company’s spokesperson. There was a rich production of the Bahamian National Anthem supported by them it appears and with her singing and you know the campaign: pledge to excel taken from the National Anthem.
Then as the Jamaicans would say: everything crash.
There is a video which the kids in the country have known about for weeks it appears. It is pretty lurid stuff, complete with masturbation some say but clearly explicitly sexual.
The woman is not of major age. The first line of attack of many was to attack her and her parents saying that she had been overly projected, didn’t have the talent and the projections were unfairly used and over sexualized for a very young woman.
Our take: there is a lot of hypocrisy in this country. What do you expect a 15 year old or a 16 year old to be doing? They are at that age at the height of the sexual energy and so that’s what you do. It is as natural as the grass growing in the field. The only question for us is decorum and discretion. In this age of everything on the internet, the distinctions between what is public and private are blurred. Our first take on this was: why would Cable Bahamas care since the young kids obviously don’t care? They out their half-naked bodies on the net, they put their genitals on the net and it doesn’t seem to matter, notwithstanding all the warnings about privacy issues.
We thought in this age and a day and time no one gives a hoot about the line between what is private and intimate and what is public.
Then Cable Bahamas weighed in. They made a cryptic announcement which basically said that the woman’s contract was suspended, our word cancelled, and it seems that things have come to a screeching halt for this very young woman. We post the Cable Bahamas explanation below and we also post the reply of the young woman.
Our take is Cable Bahamas has overreacted and is like Ian Strachan says taking it out on the victim. By all accounts this is a matter which occurred in private. One of her male friends took the video with his computer camera it is said and one of his friends high jacked the video and now it’s all over the place. The point is she is not responsible for its distribution but what it seems is that she is being condemned for carrying out a natural act in private. That is the hypocrisy of it all as far as we are concerned.
We hope that Cable Bahamas resiles from its position. But one supposes we have to await the dreary, lurid facts and have to listen to a lot of empty moralizing bad tut tutting from old people who simply can’t do what that girl did on the video and are jealous.
A friend of this column used to always say that it was interesting that old men are always preaching to young men about how they should stop sexing about the place when those old men are only jealous because as the songs says: “ I cannot do what the big boys do… the old man sat down and he cried too.”
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