by Karen Moss-Timothy

Rebuking me in heated jealousy
You commanded unfaithfulness from between my breasts

You stripped me naked and made me like a desert
You turned me into a parched land and slayed me with thirst

My path you blocked with thornbushes
I was walled in and could not find my way

You removed lovers and friends from me
My acquaintance was darkness

Though an adulteress loved by another
You received me as your wife again

You allured me and lead me in the wilderness
With tender speech my vineyards you restored

Unveiling yourself  before me I faint with love

In your arms that I have fallen into
You carry me into the marriage Chamber
where I rejoice and delight in you

Beneath me
your legs of marble spread and receive me
I AM seduced to total surrender  by the aroma of your righteousness

In heavenly voices cherubims  hurl melodies of  love
across the sky causing the stars to twinkle with desire
As the caressing fingers of your wind press
Intently  up and down my spine

Like the first bite into a plump summer strawberry
The sweet juices  of your fruit runs down the side
of my wanting mouth….I hunger for more of you

Bread of life spread before me
feeding yourself to me in selflessness
I AM resurrected

The cup of covenant passes from your lips to mine
An earthen vessel filled with
the intoxicating wine of your blood

You  are intimate with me; covering me with your wings
You penetrate me depositing your seed in the womb of my spirit

Visiting me time and time again you strengthen  my womb to
carry your seed until the fullness of time

Brought by you into womanhood,
Through the night I lay at  your feet
on the threshing floor of the New Jerusalem

Daughter of Zion redeemed in the kiss of the morning sun