Food prices and other inflation in the Bahamas have put people in a scramble. Contractors of buildings seem to pluck wild figures out of the air to fix the simplest things. As the general election edges closer, you have opposition parties exciting the demand from the government that every need, desire, or want must be settled by the government. No one accepts that they have a responsibility to fix their own lives and places and to buy food. As soon as there is a default, they come running to the MP for money. Then they argue when MPs do stupid things to get money that politicians are corrupt. Voters want their cake and eat it too. It is our hope though that in these circumstances, macro policies of the government can solve these issues. One way is to get spending going in the economy. That means getting more liquidity into the system. We have to do that without causing the rampant inflation that followed the introduction by the Americans of so much post-COVID money into their system. Money must flow from the mid-year budget somehow, if the cries of the people, some of them totally unreasonable are to be met and the government is to have a fighting chance of surviving the lies of the FNM.