The PLP has done much more than Public Relations in one year. Mr. Ingraham was being a bit cheeky but when you read what he said as opposed to the headline, he actually praised and approved the PLP government’s performance.
I therefore thank the former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Ingraham, for his general support of the PLP’s first year in office. His praise for our work accords with the generally good reviews that the administration is getting across the country.
Good public relations is another way of saying that the PLP is doing a good job in letting the public know what we are doing.
We are of course tackling some complex issues and in time we will tick all of the boxes.
Some policy initiatives can be seen now and some are not yet in the public domain, but we encourage all and sundry to stand by.
It is however great that Mr Ingraham is able to be measured and generally objective in his observations, notwithstanding his FNM membership.
But the reduction of VAT is a big deal. Settling the long outstanding labour contracts for the public service is a big deal. Fixing the economy of Grand Bahama is a big deal. Finishing the three major international airports in the country is a big deal. These were hard and complex decisions taken in the first year.
So there was a lot done and there are more to come.
Additionally, starting the housing programme is a big deal. Dealing with our international relationships and climate change is a big deal. Distribution of taxi and livery plates is a big deal.
Watch and see for there are more to come.
Fred Mitchell
22 August 2022