Dwayne Sands, the Chairman of the Free National Movement, was quoted in the press of The Bahamas, The Tribune to be exact, to say that in keeping VAT on breadbasket items, the PLP was sacrificing the poor on the altar of tax efficiency. Mr. Sands knows better. This man who is now claiming to be concerned about the poor, is the same man who voted to lock up Bahamians in their homes for two years, who said nothing when a man was fined 250 dollars for going out to the pump during the pandemic to get water to clean up his incontinent parent, who said nothing when a man was fined 750 dollars for selling coconuts. Now he is concerned about the poor. He knows that VAT if zero rated on bread basket items gives a benefit to the rich not to the poor. It’s so sad. What a web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Fred Mitchell, Chairman of the PLP, reminded him.