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Speaking at Cave Hill, buy cialis Barbados on 3rd February, Foreign Minister Fred Mitchell MP spoke in praise of St. Augustine’s College in Fox Hill, the Catholic High School where he received his education. On 3rd February, the school observed its 70th anniversary as a school. The excerpt appears below:
Today Tuesday 3rd February St. Augustine’s College in Nassau, a Catholic High School founded by the Benedictine Monks of Minnesota in the United States celebrates the 70th anniversary of its existence. I would like to pay tribute to this school and its Principal on this occasion. I graduated from that school in 1970. I arrived there from public school, the old Eastern Junior School, now Palmdale Primary in 1965. When I arrived there, my whole life changed and it has been for the better ever since.
That school, my teachers at Eastern Junior ( the late Dawson Conliffee, Mrs. Marietta Coakley and Mrs. Lorna Glinton; Sands School ( the late Mrs
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. Ruth Pinder and Mrs. Mayrona Seymour and Mrs. Sadie Curtis); at SAC (Frs. Bonaventure Dean, Alvin Fong Ben, Burton Bloms and Deacon Leviticus Adderley) gave me the education, the confidence to be able to do what I do today.
I remember so clearly my standing on the stage at the United Nations in 2002. This was my first visit as Foreign Minister of The Bahamas, a job which I had coveted from I was a teenager in school. They announced that they would call the Foreign Minister of The Bahamas, and yes that was me. I walked out on to the stage. I looked at the sea of people out there including students like yourselves who had flown to New York for the occasion. As I walked out on to the stage, I remembered those times in class back at SAC where they taught me to perform Mark Anthony’s famous oration which begins: “Friends, Romans countrymen, lend me your ears”. I remembered: “If you have tears prepare to shed them now”. I remembered how I participated in the first speech contest ever scheduled in 1969 by the newly formed Toastmaster’s Club. I remember how I lost miserably because I was too outspoken. I chose that moment to tell them how disorganized they were. It is as you now see a bad habit and one of long standing.
I said to myself on that UN stage from the famous green marble platform: “so this is what your teachers were preparing you for all those years ago”. I began to speak.