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Speaking in Grand Bahama on Friday 14th November, buy the Minister of Foreign Affairs Fred Mitchell reminded his audience the Pastor’s Forum, headed by Rev. Wilbur Outten and in the presence of the head of the Grand Bahama Christian Council Rev. Peter Pinder that citizenship is precious and that you can be stripped in certain circumstances of one’s citizenship. The comments came against the backdrop of Jetta H. Baptiste, a Bahamian formerly of Eight Mile Rock and now in the United States, saying that she supported “1000 per cent” a boycott of The Bahamas which was being organized by Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell. Ms. Campbell who is of Haitian ancestry said that because of The Bahamas policy on immigration, in her words “ deporting Haitian children”, she was organizing a commercial boycott of The Bahamas. Ms
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. Baptiste appears to be bitter in the extreme and irrational. She has since responded on Facebook that she dares the minister to revoke her citizenship and went further to say that she prefers to be a British subject anyway.
You may click here for the Minister’s full statement:
Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell
Fred Mitchell MP in a group photo with the Pastor’s Forum in Grand Bahama: from left Michael Darville, Minister or Grand Bahama, Mr. Mitchell, Pastor Wilbur Outten, the host and Pastor Peter Pinder, President of the Grand Bahama Christian Council.
Jetta Baptiste On Facebook