What is the solution to every problem that faces this incompetent Prime Minister Hubert Minnis that we have. His solution is to lock down the country and in the process he is killing the economy. Last week, he announced on Tuesday 28 July 2020 that the country would be locked down again for the entire Emancipation Day weekend and for the foreseeable future it appeared all other weekends. Dr, Minnis did not see the irony in a lockdown on Emancipation Day. He said this was to stop the spread of the virus. Only thing is the applications of his policies were ham-fisted, with the orders being poorly drafted, being drafted late and the police using their powers to inconvenience people. One lady was arrested for cursing out an officer. She was so angry at being taken off a bus while on her way to work. That is Hubert Minnis at work. The Magistrate gave her a conditional discharge once she heard the explanation.