Minnis Is Savaged Again
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viagra sovaldi sale times;”>We admit at this stage we do not have the full story of who was there and not there. Maybe at the time the photo was taken at the birthday party of Loretta Butler Turner on Friday 15 January, see Dr. Hubert Minnis, the Leader of the Opposition had not yet arrived. So we give them the benefit of the doubt but it’s been quite a week for Dr. Minnis. You will remember that he announced his first eight candidates for the general election. Pursuant to the rules of the FNM, he stripped the candidates from the 2012 general election of their right to vote on the Council. This has raised the ire of many and seen as an attempt to purge everyone connected with the ancien regime of Hubert Ingraham from the FNM Council. The response was full and savage with a second letter written by the former FNM to the press anonymously along with an interview with The Tribune decrying what had happed. We know that the main beneficiary of the insurgency would be Loretta Butler Turner. We saw recently in the House of Assembly how there is no love lost between the two: Mr. Minnis and Mrs. Butler Turner. No surprise then that in the photos of the party, no sign of Dr. Minnis. Things that make you go : Hmmm!