Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Responds To The RFK Centre
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8th November 2014
Bahamas Foreign Affairs Ministry responds to RFK Center statement
Bahamas Information Services
Bahamas, Nassau – The Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center) recently issued a statement about reports it claimed it received from Bahamian civil society about the new immigration policies that came into effect on Saturday, November 1.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration confirmed that representatives from the RFK Center never contacted the Ministry for comment but released the following statement in response:
“The statement by the RFK Center over the new immigration policies is replete with errors. It is deplorable that a reputable body would repeat such nonsense.
The policy is not discriminatory either in its execution or its effects and there were no massive raids. No raids were conducted by the Department of Immigration at all. The number of people arrested on Saturday last (Nov 1) was not 450 but 77. It is not true that those released had to await the opening of the Immigration Office on Monday.
Those are just some examples of a statement that is loose with the truth and defames The Bahamas
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. The statement is terribly disappointing. There is a rule in Bahamian folk tradition: if you don’t know shut your mouth. If you want to know, just check.
This is a completely open and transparent society, with nothing to hide”