Last week, the headlines of both newspapers carried on their front pages, a story about a row that took place between the Leader of Government Business Obie Wilchcombe and the Leader of the Opposition Michael Pintard Mr. Pintard was defying a rule of the House on relevance. He sought to turn the debate on the Governor General’s charity work into a debate on the performance of the Minister for Immigration. The FNM has decided that the Immigration Minister Keith Bell is politically vulnerable so they are making him a point of attack. The Speaker said it should not happen and Mr. Pintard was insisting to the point where there was a back and forth in the House and ultimately the House was suspended to stop the row. Of course Mr. Pintard got what he wanted. He is an actor and play acting gets him far. So once the PLP understand that this is no genuine performance but just all an act, we should know how to deal with him.