So Michael Pintard is jealous of the Prime Minister and his colleagues because they get to travel to far off climes to represent The Bahamas. That seems to be the full bent of his getting up on his high horse in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 19 October 2022 to denounce the travel itinerary and conditions of the PLP while in office. Mr. Pintard claimed that people can’t get food to eat but the PLP was traveling first class and taking selfies enjoying themselves while travelling. Let’s put it this way: if Mr. Pintard knows of anyone who is not able to feed themselves, let the Government know and it will be solved. Secondly, the PLP’s travel is at a level which was placed in the regulations and not a penny more. He forgets that the FNM raised in office the per diem to 250 dollars per day and added their wives which the PLP reversed. Thirdly most travel is taken by public officials not Ministers or MPs. Fourthly, the FNM sat on their fat asses and did nothing for four and half years, leaving the seat of The Bahamas empty overseas. The PLP is dong its job. At the end of the day, the people will have their say about whether we are successful or not. Until then go blow it out your ear. The sin of envy and jealousy and covetousness is a deadly sin indeed.