Often at the
Mercy of Thugs
this is nowhere
where I care to be
in which I live
it is where my house is
not easy therefore
to just pick up and leave
is even this though
an indication of
the bitter taste
of the quality of life
in countries so many
are desperate to leave-
to vacate and head
for places where
there is law and order
where structured society
is guaranteed, is maintained
is this what we
allow to become
of countries we are from
fleeing them in desperation
for places that are governed,
kept safe from those
who would create mayhem
from those allowed
here and elsewhere
to make life unpleasant,
uncomfortable, unbearable
with loud music
that is tolerated
and not shut off
and not shut down
just the beginning of what
can and usually does get
much much worse
so bad that, these places,
allowed to be spoiled,
are not fit for human
habitation anymore
nothing left but to risk life
to get to Europe
across the Mediterranean
or to the USA,
across Mexico,
across the Rio Grand
why are our home
countries allowed
to become so lawless
to be ruled by mayhem
why can we not make
these places, spaces
pleasant, prosperous
why are they allowed
to collapse like they do
those within who
are allowed to turn
our home countries
into hell on earth
© Obediah Michael Smith, 2021
11:37 PM Monday 28.6.2021