Marvin Dames, the Minister of National Security is unrepentant and unreconstructed. He is digging down and doubling down. Where his colleague Dr. Duane Sands has refused to comment on the judicial findings in the case of the Commissioner of Police vs Frank Smith which condemned them both, Mr. Dames has been talking like there is no tomorrow.
He has been protesting his innocence. Much like Lady Macbeth, he is protesting too much. He has said any suggestion that there is corruption in the police force over the call logs which the judge found had been manipulated so as to make them lack in credibility is nonsense. The week before he dismissed the PLPs demand that he resign as “comical”. Only the joke was on him.
The fact is Mr. Dames and Mr. Sands are in very serious trouble. The rules and conventions are clear. They must resign or be fired.
Let us simply examine the facts: Mr. Sands gave a contract to Barbara Hanna, the virtual complainant, to clean the public hospital knowing that she would be a material witness in a trial. The trial is one that he inspired by coercing Ms. Hanna to bring a complaint. The whole thing looked like a bribe or inducement for Ms. Hanna to testify against a political opponent.
Mr. Dames stands condemned because instead of simply saying to his colleague go and have the lady report the matter to the police, he took it upon himself to interview the lady in his constituency headquarters. The whole thing therefore smacked of a political set up.
The best thing then for the inscrutable Marvin Dames, is to be quiet. Say nothing and hope that as he slinks away behind his shades that the public will forgive and forget.
In the meantime, it looks as if civil society might be getting its sea legs. At least one Pastor, Rev. Keith Russell of First Baptist Church in Grand Bahama has called three ministers of the Government corrupt and says that they must resign.
We want to know where are all these other phony Non-Governmental Organizations when we need their voices. Transparency International is silent. Citizens for Good Governance is quiet. Save the Bays… nary a word. We all know that they are in lockstep and cahoots with the Free National Movement and will say nothing about the blatant crookedness which is before them.
Marvin Dames must go. Duane Sands must go. Carl Bethel needs to consider his position and join them.
In the name of God go now.
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