There is a song by Patrick Rahming that carries the line:” they are coming out of the woodwork just like worm”. Here is what the PLP;s chairman Fred Mitchell had to say about Marvin Dames and his comments in the press last week by voice note to fellow PLPs on Friday 7 February 2025:
Pat Rahming, in a song about politics in the Bahamas, he sings “they coming out of the woodwork, just like worm… another 5 years has gone by.” I couldn’t help but think of that analogy as Marvin Dames, the former FNM National Security Minister, who ought to be ashamed of himself, who ought to be hiding under a rock emerged back into the spotlight
He now dares to raise his head, to pronounce on whether the conduct of a senior police officer and the rules governing, such offices is appropriate?. The same Marvin Dames, who was condemned by for his conduct as a minister by the courts in the Frank Smith case. He thinks we forgot the purchase of the $17 million drones under his leadership that turned out to be a waste of money and it did not pass the smell test.
They’re all coming out of the woodwork, just like worm.
You now have two former ministers, both hiding out in Eleuthera, one in Hatchet Bay, the other drowning his sorrows in drink in the south. What they all are gambling on is that the country has largely forgotten how they treated us for four and a half years. They borrowed $4 billion with nothing to show for it, They had us locked up in jail for four and a half years, saying they were saving lives, but 500 people died.
They want to dump their former leader and ask us to pretend we just don’t see. Marvin Dames must first, though, confess his political sins. There must be confession and repentance, and then there must be acts of contrition, but even so go back Marvin into the hole from which you’ve come.