Marion Bethel gets Caricom award
It was a proud moment for The Bahamas. Marion Bethel, sildenafil buy viagra the daughter of the late Marcus Bethel, a poet, activist, scholar and film maker was presented with the 11th Caricom Triennial Award for Women. Following her address, no rx she received a standing ovation. She spoke up for the artists of the region, against gender based violence and for the rights of LGBT people and the abolition of the death penalty. She spoke of her father and grandfather and their connection to Marcus Garvey’s movement and about Robert Love, online the Bahamian activists who made a name for himself in Jamaica and was a mentor to Marcus Garvey. The photos are by Peter Ramsay of the Bahamas Information Services as the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda as Chair of Caricom presented her with the award. She is the first Bahamian to receive the award
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You may click here for her full statement. Her husband Alfred Sears was present with their daughters and her siblings.