Manatee Is Found In RBDF Base Coral Harbour, New Providence
tadalafil check times;”> Recently the $232,000,000 Royal Bahamas Defence Force Sandy Bottom Project came to an abrupt halt when a large manatee showed up. The dredging crew saw it earlier in the morning. The trouble after that was finding where it went. The fingers are an extension of the jetty used to track the ship lift and it was there at about 1000 hours that the manatee surfaced again.
“One trick I learned a few years back was to hang a fresh water hose overboard and it will come up to drink,” said Commander Adrian Chriswell.
The creature must have been thirsty. It drank more than 5 gallons of water. Commander Chriswell’s hose trick actually worked.
A special team from the BEST Commission and the Bahamas National Trust were notified about the rare sighting. Most of the onlookers had never seen a manatee or even knew what one was
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. Also known as a sea cow, this large protected aquatic mammal feeds on sea grass and has a secret lust for iceberg lettuce. The team used the lettuce to lure the manatee to safer waters.
Many attempts later, the team was successful in being able to lure the manatee to safety. The dredging resumed later in the day.