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viagra usa times;”>The photo which appeared on Facebook shows Andre Rollins MP after he appeared at a PLP council meeting on Thursday 25th September and was reportedly asked to apologise publicly for his attacks on the party. The following is a statement issued by Andre Rollins, the day after the press published a statement from him in which he threatened to reveal who else should resign from the PLP if Renward Wells, the Parliamentary Secretary, was made to resign. The original statement that he made was typical of the kind of overreach that happens when you get too intoxicated by headlines in the newspapers:
From: S. Andre Rollins, M.P.
To: Members of the Press
Date: 24 September 2014
I want to make it absolutely clear that nowhere in my interview with NB 12 did I impute corrupt motives to anyone. I never suggested that I had any information to that effect. In no way do I support or condone corruption in government. Without being comprehensive in my response to the question asked by Ms. Toote, I can understand how I may have created this impression. I certainly regret that such an impression was created.
In giving my terse response, I was referring to the principles of ministerial and collective responsibility as defined by the Westminster system of government and in that regard, I sought to convey that any shortcomings or failings with respect to the LOI matter cannot be levelled solely at the feet of a junior member of the government
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. To do so would be to make that individual a scapegoat, which would demonstrate a clear lack of respect for that individual and the system of government we are supposed to be guided by. The implications for the minister and cabinet, therefore, are what I was alluding to when I said that there is more than meets the eye with respect to this matter.
Having this LOI matter linger for as long as it has without a conclusive statement from our nation’s leader has only served to feed the perception that our government lacks transparency and accountability, which is not in the interests of our nation’s growth and development. Therefore, as I have said previously, the nation would be well served by having the Prime Minister address this matter.