An inaccurate headline by Eyewitness News saying that former Minister of State for Finance Michael Halkitis had promised that when the PLP gets back into power, the PLP will lower VAT. This caused a curious backlash. First of all, if you read the quotes on which the news site based its headline, you would say that the headline was inaccurate and unfair to Mr. Halkitis. We take another tack though and it is this. What the hell is wrong with the Bahamian people you wonder? Do they have rocks in their head for brains? Last year everyone was cussing the Government for raising Vat. It is obvious that with the FNM raising Vat has crimped the economy. Now someone (let’s assume it is true) from the major Opposition party says that when we get to office, we will lower it and everyone is cussing the PLP in response. Can you figure this stuff out? This is worthy of a Hollywood script.